Letter status from transfer to dispatching
Every letter sent via Pingen passes through various processing stages. The status indicators help you know the current status of a letter at first glance. You will see some or all of the following statuses when you send a letter:
1. Validating
After transmission, the document is validated. Pingen checks whether the document is ready to send or if any printing or sending issues need to be fixed.
2. Ready for Sending
If Pingen detects no errors during the validation process, the letter is marked "Ready for Sending".
2.1 Action Required
If problems that can be fixed in the Pingen App are detected during validation, the letter is marked "Action Required".
Issue with recipient address, content in restricted areas and invalid paper type issues can be fixed in the Pingen App.
2.2 Invalid
If a document is marked "Invalid" after validation, it has problems that can’t be fixed in the Pingen App. In this case, the letter cannot be sent. More information in the article "Reasons why a letter can't be sent"
3. Submitted for Sending
If a ready-to-send document has been submitted for sending, it will be marked "Submitted for Sending" and checked by Pingen for sending. A document retains this status for only a few seconds.
3.1 Awaiting Credits
If you don’t have enough credits available to send the document, it will be put on hold and assigned the status "Awaiting Credits". Once enough credits have been purchased, the letter will be automatically submitted for sending. If the letter is still in the queue after seven days, it will be automatically marked as "Ready for Sending".
4. Print Preparation
After successful submission, a document is given print preparation status, indicating that it will be prepared for further automatic processing. As long as a letter is in status "Print Preparation" the sending can still be cancelled.
4.1 Cancelling
If you cancel a letter after submitting it for sending, it will be assigned "Cancelling" status. This status is used to check whether the letter can still be cancelled. If a letter is in "Submitted for Sending" or "Print Preparation" status, it can be cancelled. This status is normally only visible for a few seconds.
4.2 Cancelled
If a letter has been successfully cancelled, it is marked "Cancelled". In this case, the credit for the letter will be refunded. Cancelled letters can be re-submitted for sending.
5. Printing
The document is at the printing facility and will be printed.
5.1 Unprintable
If a letter cannot be printed for technical reasons, it is marked as "Unprintable". In this case, you’ll be notified and receive a credit note for the letter.
6. Sent
As soon as a letter has been printed and packed, it’s handed over to the post office for delivery and receives the status "Sent".
Generally, this is the final status you’ll see, as we don’t receive confirmations of delivery from postal services.
6.1 Undeliverable
If a letter cannot be delivered to the specified address, you’ll be notified in the Pingen App and by e-mail.