Supported country names in the recipient address
In order for Pingen to accept letters for sending, it is important that the recipient address includes the destination country name in one of the supported spellings. The destination country name must be stated as the sole content on the last address line, like:
This is necessary so postal organisations forward the letters to the correct countries. If there is no destination country or if the country name is stated using a different spelling, Pingen will generally* not accept the documents for sending.
Unsupported ISO country code
The notation CH-1234 (i.e. ISO2 country code before the postcode) is no longer supported by postal organisations for several years. Instead, the postal organisations stipulate* that the country must be written in a national language of the destination country or a language supported by the postal carrier.
*If one of the following countries is configured as the Default Destination Country for your Organisation, the country name can be omitted in the recipient address for local letter mailings:
Germany, Switzerland, Austria, Netherlands, India and United Kingdom.
However, for letters which are not sent to the default recipient country, the country must be indicated in any case.
Language requirements of the destination countries
The languages accepted for the recipient country depend on the different postal carriers. If a letter is sent via the local post, the destination country name will be accepted in the local language. If a letter is sent via DHL, the destination country name must be provided in German or English.
Supported country names
The following list shows all accepted country names. You can use the search fields to search for the desired country using either the country name or the ISO code. Please note that only the country name and not the ISO code is accepted in the recipient address:
Download list:
Country name | ISO code | |
Afghanistan | AF | |
Åland | AX | |
Aland | AX | |
Åland Islands | AX | |
Åland Inseln | AX | |
Aland Islands | AX | |
Aland Inseln | AX | |
Albanien | AL | |
Albania | AL | |
Algerien | DZ | |
Algeria | DZ | |
Deutschland | DE | |
Germany | DE | |
Amerikanisch-Samoa | AS | |
American-Samoa | AS | |
Amerikanisch Samoa | AS | |
American Samoa | AS | |
Andorra | AD | |
Angola | AO | |
Anguilla | AI | |
Antarktis | AQ | |
Antarctica | AQ | |
Antigua und Barbuda | AG | |
Antigua and Barbuda | AG | |
Argentinien | AR | |
Argentina | AR | |
Armenien | AM | |
Armenia | AM | |
Aruba | AW | |
Aserbaidschan | AZ | |
Azerbaijan | AZ | |
Australien | AU | |
Australia | AU | |
Österreich | AT | |
Austria | AT | |
Oesterreich | AT | |
Bahamas | BS | |
Bahrein | BH | |
Bahrain | BH | |
Bangladesch | BD | |
Bangladesh | BD | |
Barbados | BB | |
Weissrussland | BY | |
Belarus | BY | |
Weißrussland | BY | |
Belgium | BE | |
Belgien | BE | |
Belize | BZ | |
Benin | BJ | |
Bermuda | BM | |
Bhutan | BT | |
Bolivien | BO | |
Bolivia | BO | |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius und Saba | BQ | |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba | BQ | |
Bonaire, St. Eustatius und Saba | BQ | |
Bonaire, St. Eustatius and Saba | BQ | |
Bosnien und Herzegowina | BA | |
Bosnia and Herzegovina | BA | |
Botswana | BW | |
Bouvetinsel | BV | |
Bouvet Island | BV | |
Brasilien | BR | |
Brazil | BR | |
Virgin Islands, British | VG | |
Britische Jungferninseln | VG | |
British Virgin Islands | VG | |
Jungferninseln, Britisch | VG | |
Jungferninseln (Britisch) | VG | |
Virgin Islands (British) | VG | |
Virgin Islands (Britisch) | VG | |
Britisches Territorium im Indischen Ozean | IO | |
British Indian Ocean Territory | IO | |
Brunei | BN | |
Brunei Darussalam | BN | |
Bulgarien | BG | |
Bulgaria | BG | |
Burkina Faso | BF | |
Burundi | BI | |
Kambodscha | KH | |
Cambodia | KH | |
Kamerun | CM | |
Cameroon | CM | |
Kanada | CA | |
Canada | CA | |
Kap Verde | CV | |
Cape Verde | CV | |
Kaimaninseln | KY | |
Cayman Islands | KY | |
Cayman Inseln | KY | |
Tschechien | CZ | |
Czech Republic | CZ | |
Tschechische Republik | CZ | |
Zentralafrikanische Republik | CF | |
Central African Republic | CF | |
Chile | CL | |
China | CN | |
China, People's Republic | CN | |
People's Republic of China | CN | |
China, Peoples Republic | CN | |
Peoples Republic of China | CN | |
Volksrepublik China | CN | |
China, Volksrepublik | CN | |
Taiwan | TW | |
China, Taiwan | TW | |
Taiwan, Province of China | TW | |
Province of China Taiwan | TW | |
Weihnachtsinsel | CX | |
Christmas Island | CX | |
Zypern | CY | |
Cyprus | CY | |
Kokosinseln | CC | |
Cocos Islands | CC | |
Kokosinseln (Keelinginseln) | CC | |
Cocos (Keeling) Islands | CC | |
Kolumbien | CO | |
Colombia | CO | |
Komoren | KM | |
Comoros | KM | |
Kongo, Demokratische Republik | CD | |
Congo, Democratic Republic | CD | |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | CD | |
Demokratische Republik Kongo | CD | |
Kongo, Republik | CG | |
Congo, Republic | CG | |
Republic Congo | CG | |
Republik Kongo | CG | |
Cookinseln | CK | |
Cook Islands | CK | |
Korea, Republik | KR | |
Korea, Republic of | KR | |
South Korea | KR | |
Republic of Korea | KR | |
Republic Korea | KR | |
Südkorea | KR | |
Republic of Korea (ROK) | KR | |
Korea, Demokratische Volksrepublik | KP | |
Korea, Democratic People's Republic of | KP | |
Demokratische Volksrepublik Korea | KP | |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea | KP | |
Nordkorea | KP | |
North Korea | KP | |
Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK) | KP | |
Costa Rica | CR | |
Elfenbeinküste | CI | |
Ivory Coast | CI | |
Cote d'Ivoire | CI | |
Kroatien | HR | |
Croatia | HR | |
Kuba | CU | |
Cuba | CU | |
Curaçao | CW | |
Curacao | CW | |
Dänemark | DK | |
Denmark | DK | |
Dschibuti | DJ | |
Djibouti | DJ | |
Dschibuti, Republik | DJ | |
Republik Dschibuti | DJ | |
Djibouti, Republic | DJ | |
Republic Djibouti | DJ | |
Dominica | DM | |
Dominikanische Republik | DO | |
Dominican Republic | DO | |
Ecuador | EC | |
Ägypten | EG | |
Egypt | EG | |
El Salvador | SV | |
Vereinigte Arabische Emirate | AE | |
United Arab Emirates | AE | |
UAE | AE | |
Äquatorialguinea | GQ | |
Equatorial Guinea | GQ | |
Eritrea | ER | |
Spanien | ES | |
Spain | ES | |
Estland | EE | |
Estonia | EE | |
Äthiopien | ET | |
Ethiopia | ET | |
Färöer | FO | |
Faroe Islands | FO | |
Färöer Inseln | FO | |
Falklandinseln | FK | |
Falkland Islands | FK | |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | FK | |
Fidschi | FJ | |
Fidji | FJ | |
Finnland | FI | |
Finland | FI | |
Frankreich | FR | |
France | FR | |
Französisch Polynesien | PF | |
French Polynesia | PF | |
Französisch-Polynesien | PF | |
French-Polynesia | PF | |
Französisch Guayana | GF | |
French Guiana | GF | |
Französisch-Guayana | GF | |
French-Guiana | GF | |
Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete | TF | |
French Southern Territories | TF | |
Französische Süd und Antarktisgebiete | TF | |
Gabun | GA | |
Gabon | GA | |
Gambia | GM | |
Georgien | GE | |
Georgia | GE | |
Südgeorgien und Sandwich | GS | |
South Georgia and Sandwich | GS | |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | GS | |
Südgeorgien und die Südlichen Sandwichinseln | GS | |
Ghana | GH | |
Jamaika | JM | |
Jamaica | JM | |
Japan | JP | |
Gibraltar | GI | |
Jordanien | JO | |
Jordan | JO | |
Grossbritannien | GB | |
Great Britain | GB | |
Großbritannien | GB | |
Vereinigtes Königreich | GB | |
United Kingdom | GB | |
Griechenland | GR | |
Greece | GR | |
Grönland | GL | |
Greenland | GL | |
Grenada | GD | |
Guadeloupe | GP | |
Guam | GU | |
Guatemala | GT | |
Guernsey | GG | |
Guyana | GY | |
Guinea | GN | |
Guinea, Republic | GN | |
Republic Guinea | GN | |
Guinea, Republik | GN | |
Republik Guinea | GN | |
Guinea-Bissau | GW | |
Guinea Bissau | GW | |
Haiti | HT | |
Heard und McDonaldinseln | HM | |
Heard Island And Mcdonald Islands | HM | |
Heard Island And Mc Donald Islands | HM | |
Heard und Mc Donaldinseln | HM | |
Heard And Mc Donald Islands | HM | |
Heard and McDonald Islands | HM | |
Honduras | HN | |
Hongkong | HK | |
Hong Kong | HK | |
Ungarn | HU | |
Hungary | HU | |
Island | IS | |
Iceland | IS | |
Indien | IN | |
India | IN | |
Indonesien | ID | |
Indonesia | ID | |
Irak | IQ | |
Iraq | IQ | |
Iran | IR | |
Iran, Islamic Republic of | IR | |
Islamic Republic of Iran | IR | |
Iran, Islamische Republik | IR | |
Islamische Republik Iran | IR | |
Irland | IE | |
Ireland | IE | |
Isle of Man | IM | |
Insel Man | IM | |
Israel | IL | |
Italien | IT | |
Italy | IT | |
Jemen | YE | |
Yemen | YE | |
Jersey | JE | |
Kasachstan | KZ | |
Kazakhstan | KZ | |
Katar | QA | |
Qatar | QA | |
Kenia | KE | |
Kenya | KE | |
Kirgisistan | KG | |
Kyrgyzstan | KG | |
Kiribati | KI | |
Kosovo | XZ | |
Kuwait | KW | |
Laos | LA | |
Laos, Demokratische Volksrepublik | LA | |
Demokratische Volksrepublik Laos | LA | |
Laos, People's Democratic Republic | LA | |
People's Democratic Republic Laos | LA | |
Lettland | LV | |
Latvia | LV | |
Libanon | LB | |
Lebanon | LB | |
Lesotho | LS | |
Liberia | LR | |
Libyen | LY | |
Libya | LY | |
Liechtenstein | LI | |
Litauen | LT | |
Lithuania | LT | |
Luxemburg | LU | |
Luxembourg | LU | |
Macau | MO | |
Macao | MO | |
Mazedonien | MK | |
Macedonia | MK | |
Madagaskar | MG | |
Madagascar | MG | |
Malaysia | MY | |
Malawi | MW | |
Malediven | MV | |
Maldives | MV | |
Mali | ML | |
Malta | MT | |
Nödliche Marianen | MP | |
Mariana Islands | MP | |
Northern Mariana Islands | MP | |
Marianen Inseln | MP | |
Nödliche Marianen Inseln | MP | |
Marokko | MA | |
Morocco | MA | |
Marshallinseln | MH | |
Marshall Islands | MH | |
Martinique | MQ | |
Mauretanien | MR | |
Mauritania | MR | |
Mauritius | MU | |
Mayotte | YT | |
Mexiko | MX | |
Mexico | MX | |
Mikronesien | FM | |
Micronesia | FM | |
Micronesia, Federated States of | FM | |
Federated States of Micronesia | FM | |
Moldawien | MD | |
Moldova | MD | |
Moldawien, Republik | MD | |
Republik Moldawien | MD | |
Moldova, Republic of | MD | |
Republic of Moldova | MD | |
Moldau | MD | |
Monaco | MC | |
Mongolei | MN | |
Mongolia | MN | |
Montenegro | ME | |
Montserrat | MS | |
Mosambik | MZ | |
Mozambique | MZ | |
Myanmar | MM | |
Namibia | NA | |
Nauru | NR | |
Niederlande | NL | |
Netherlands | NL | |
Nederland | NL | nl |
Nepal | NP | |
Neukaledonien | NC | |
New Caledonia | NC | |
Neuseeland | NZ | |
New Zealand | NZ | |
Nicaragua | NI | |
Niger | NE | |
Nigeria | NG | |
Niue | NU | |
Norfolk Insel | NF | |
Norfolk Island | NF | |
Norfolkinsel | NF | |
Norwegen | NO | |
Norway | NO | |
Oman | OM | |
Pakistan | PK | |
Palau | PW | |
Palau Insel | PW | |
Palau Island | PW | |
Palestina | PS | |
Palestine, State of | PS | |
State of Palestine | PS | |
Westjordanland | PS | |
Panama | PA | |
Papua Neuguinea | PG | |
Papua New Guinea | PG | |
Papua-Neuguinea | PG | |
Papua-New-Guinea | PG | |
Paraguay | PY | |
Peru | PE | |
Philippinen | PH | |
Philippines | PH | |
Pitcairn Inseln | PN | |
Pitcairn Island | PN | |
Pitcairn | PN | |
Polen | PL | |
Poland | PL | |
Puerto Rico | PR | |
Portugal | PT | |
Réunion | RE | |
Reunion | RE | |
Rumänien | RO | |
Romania | RO | |
Russland | RU | |
Russia | RU | |
Russische Föderation | RU | |
Russian Federation | RU | |
Ruanda | RW | |
Rwanda | RW | |
Westsahara | EH | |
Western Sahara | EH | |
Sankt Barthelemy | BL | |
Saint Barthelemy | BL | |
Saint Barthélemy | BL | |
St. Barthelemy | BL | |
Sankt Helena, Ascension und Tristan da Cunha | SH | |
Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha | SH | |
Sankt Helena | SH | |
Saint Helena | SH | |
St. Helena | SH | |
St. Helena, Ascension und Tristan da Cunha | SH | |
St. Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha | SH | |
Sankt Kitts und Nevis | KN | |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KN | |
St. Kitts and Nevis | KN | |
St. Kitts und Nevis | KN | |
Sankt Lucia | LC | |
Saint Lucia | LC | |
St. Lucia | LC | |
Saint Martin (französisch) | MF | |
Saint Martin (French part) | MF | |
Saint Martin | MF | |
Saint-Martin | MF | |
St. Martin | MF | |
St. Martin (French part) | MF | |
Saint Pierre und Miquelon | PM | |
Saint Pierre and Miquelon | PM | |
St. Pierre und Miquelon | PM | |
St. Pierre and Miquelon | PM | |
Sankt Vincent und die Grenadinen | VC | |
Saint Vincent and Grenadines | VC | |
St. Vincent und die Grenadinen | VC | |
St. Vincent and Grenadines | VC | |
Sint Martin (holländisch) | SX | |
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) | SX | |
Sint Maarten | SX | |
Sint-Maarten | SX | |
St. Maarten | SX | |
St. Maarten (Dutch part) | SX | |
Salomonen | SB | |
Solomon Islands | SB | |
Solomon Inseln | SB | |
Samoa | WS | |
Western Samoa | WS | |
Westsamoa | WS | |
San Marino | SM | |
Sao Tome und Principe | ST | |
Sao Tome and Principe | ST | |
São Tomé und Príncipe | ST | |
São Tomé and Príncipe | ST | |
Saudi-Arabien | SA | |
Saudi Arabia | SA | |
Schweden | SE | |
Sweden | SE | |
Schweiz | CH | |
Switzerland | CH | |
Suisse | CH | |
Svizzera | CH | |
Senegal | SN | |
Serbien | RS | |
Serbia | RS | |
Seychellen | SC | |
Seychelles | SC | |
Sierra Leone | SL | |
Singapur | SG | |
Singapore | SG | |
Syrien | SY | |
Syria | SY | |
Syrien, Arabische Republik | SY | |
Syria, Arabic Republic | SY | |
Slowakei | SK | |
Slovakia | SK | |
Slowenien | SI | |
Slovenia | SI | |
Somalia | SO | |
Sudan | SD | |
Sri Lanka | LK | |
Suriname | SR | |
Spitzbergen | SJ | |
Svalbard and Jan Mayen | SJ | |
Svalbard und Jan Mayen | SJ | |
Eswatini | SZ | |
Südafrika | ZA | |
South Africa | ZA | |
Sudafrica | ZA | |
Südsudan | SS | |
South Sudan | SS | |
Süd Sudan | SS | |
Tadschikistan | TJ | |
Tajikistan | TJ | |
Thailand | TH | |
Tansania | TZ | |
Tanzania | TZ | |
United Republic of Tanzania | TZ | |
Tanzania, United Republic of | TZ | |
Tansania, Vereinigte Republik | TZ | |
Vereinigte Republik Tansania | TZ | |
Timor-Leste | TL | |
Togo | TG | |
Tokelau | TK | |
Tokelau Islands | TK | |
Tonga | TO | |
Trinidad und Tobago | TT | |
Trinidad and Tobago | TT | |
Tschad | TD | |
Chad | TD | |
Tunesien | TN | |
Tunisia | TN | |
Turkmenistan | TM | |
Turks- und Caicosinseln | TC | |
Turks and Caicos Islands | TC | |
Turks and Caicos | TC | |
Turks und Caicosinseln | TC | |
Tuvalu | TV | |
Türkei | TR | |
Turkey | TR | |
Uganda | UG | |
Ukraine | UA | |
Uruguay | UY | |
Usbekistan | UZ | |
Vanuatu | VU | |
Vatikanstadt | VA | |
Vatican City State | VA | |
Vatikan | VA | |
Vatican | VA | |
Holy See (Vatican City State) | VA | |
Holy See | VA | |
Venezuela | VE | |
Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika | US | |
United States of America | US | |
USA | US | |
United States | US | |
Vereinigte Staaten | US | |
Vietnam | VN | |
Viet Nam | VN | |
Jungferninseln (US) | VI | |
Virgin Islands (US) | VI | |
Virgin Islands, US | VI | |
US Jungferninseln | VI | |
US Virgin Islands | VI | |
Jungferninseln, US | VI | |
Amerikanische Jungferninseln | VI | |
Wallis und Futuna | WF | |
Wallis and Futuna | WF | |
Wallis and Futuna Islands | WF | |
Wallis und Futuna Inseln | WF | |
Sambia | ZM | |
Zambia | ZM | |
Simbabwe | ZW | |
Zimbabwe | ZW | |
Kleinere Amerikanische Überseeinseln | UM | |
United States Minor Outlying Islands | UM | |
Portugal | PT |