Monthly send limit
The Monthly Send Limit controls the maximum number of letters that can be sent via an Organisation during a calendar month. This feature serves as a security measure to limit the number of unintentional mailings (e.g. due to automated send processes or handling errors).
The Monthly Send Limit can be managed via "Organisation Administration" in the navigation item "Configuration" --> "Monthly Send Limit" .
Important: Once the Monthly Send Limit has been reached, it may take up to 1 minute for it to become effective. Therefore, additional letters may still be sent for a short time after the Monthly Send Limit has been reached. Learn more
Enable a Monthly Send Limit
The "Monthly Send Limit" option allows you to specify the maximum number of letters that can be sent per month. Click on the "Enable Send Limit" button to save the monthly send limit.
Monthly Send Limit Reached
As soon as the Monthly Send Limit has been reached, further letter mailings are rejected by the Organisation. The letters to be sent remain in the "Ready for Sending" status and you receive the following message in the Pingen WebApp:
To send additional letters, you can either adjust the monthly send limit or wait until the start of the next calendar month.
Modify the Monthly Send Limit
The Monthly Send Limit can be modified at any time via "Organisation Administration" in the navigation item "Configuration" --> "Monthly Send Limit".
It is recommended to check the Monthly Send Limit regularly and adjust it to the monthly letter volumes if necessary.
Restrictions of the Monthly Send Limit
Our systems check the Monthly Send Limit once a minute. Thus even if the Monthly Send Limit is reached, further letters may be accepted for sending before the Monthly Send Limit is enforced. Particularly in cases where letters are automatically dispatched via API or integrations.
The Monthly Send Limit offers a mechanism to limit the scope of unintentional mailings. However the responsibility for sending remains with the user, regardless the use of a Monthly Send Limit.
Implications on Batches
In case the Monthly Send Limit is reached when sending a batch, all letters of the batch will still be accepted for sending. Therefore, please note that the Monthly Send Limit can be significantly exceeded via a batch.