Print options
After letters are submitted for sending, they’re printed in international large-scale printing facilities. In the Send Overview, you can select printing options for your documents.
The settings you choose will affect all the letters you see in the "Send Overview". If you want a different print option for individual letters, you’ll need to create separate batch for these letters.
Colour mode
Letters can be printed in colour or grayscale. To change the colour mode, click the toggle button in the upper right corner. The price per letter changes based on the selected colour mode.
Page handling
Letters can be printed simplex (one-sided) or duplex (double-sided). The price to send a letter will change according to the selected printing type. If you use special paper types such as payment slips or remittance slips, make sure they’re always on the odd pages when printing duplex. For technical reasons, special paper types cannot be printed duplex.
Recommended printing options for different shipping purposes
If you want to send a document as cheap as possible, select grayscale mode and duplex printing. For high-quality documents, use the color mode and print pages as simplex.